May 21 2024

Leather & Hide Council of America (LHCA) announces $5.5 million allocation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP)

The Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP) is a supplement to existing export market development funding to build demand for American food and farm exports in high-potential markets around the globe and targets Africa, Latin America, South and Southeast Asia.

LHCA is a full-service, U.S., agricultural trade organization. The Council supports the industry through government engagement, public relations, and international trade marketing and policy support. Its focus is on supporting our members and the U.S. hide, skin and leather industry.

Kerry Brozyna, President of the Leather & Hide Council of America, said:

For over 100 years LHCA has been looking out for the interests of the U.S. hide, skin and leather sectors. Our goal: increase U.S. exports and expand global demand for leather products by protecting and promoting the benefits of leather as a sustainable material.

LHCA has a proven track record of export market development in Europe, China and Mexico, including consumer marketing, trade servicing, research and policy and standards. We are thrilled to be able to diversify U.S. export targets to include Africa, South and Southeast Asia and Latin America. These funds will assist us in expediting and amplifying our plans.

LHCA has a multi-pronged approach to achieve its goals:

  • Educate consumers, brands and the leather supply chain about the sustainability, durability, and desirability of leather. Tools include consumer facing communications like the Real Leather. Stay Different. campaign and concurrent International Leather Design Competition.
  • Trade support for U.S. exporters including sponsored trade shows and organized trade missions to educate supply chain leaders about the U.S. leather industry supply chain.
  • Critical market research includes understanding the declining value of hides in the cattle supply chain and full supply chain life cycle assessments to highlight leather's sustainability credentials
  • Policy and standards work include the development of international hide standards and meaningful support of anti-deforestation and other positive policy initiatives.

Chad Robertson, Co-Chair of the Leather & Hide Council of America, said:

Over the past 10 years we have seen demand weaken for leather and as a result for the entire leather supply chain. The United States produces cattle to provide meat protein all around the globe. As a result of this meat production, we have a steady supply of high quality, heavy hides. The current paradigm defined by low demand has resulted in the disposal of significant quantities of these hides. It is a shameful waste.

The desire and ability to diversify the U.S. export destinations through the RAPP program, expand our consumer marketing and build our trade education in new regions, showcases U.S. leadership in the hide, skin and leather industry.

LHCA will continue marketing, education, research and trade support to our traditional programs, including China, Europe and Mexico. RAPP funds expand our existing programs in Africa and Southeast Asia beyond Ethiopia, Kenya, Vietnam and Thailand and also expand beyond the current trade servicing and communications to provide full-service export market development support.

In addition, market development activities in Latin America and India will open doors for U.S. leather exports through new marketing, education, training and trade support programs.

Mike York, Co-Chair of the Leather & Hide Council of America, said:

We must expand and diversify U.S. leather exports and advance leather use globally. Leather is the correct choice for a material that is plentiful, sustainably made, beautiful and long-lasting. The correct choice for consumer forward brands and their consumers.

Currently we have a small amount of hide and leather exports to Central and South America. The opportunity to leverage RAPP to expand exports is a must have. We thank USDA and the Secretary of Agriculture for this opportunity.

Notes for editors:

For press information and/or images, please contact:

Greg Moore (e: or m: +44 (0)7748 968695)


LHCA was established to promote the U.S. leather industry and represents the interests of 75 member companies across the leather supply chain. A full-service trade association, LHCA provides its members with government, public relations and international trade assistance and support. The association is also a co-operator organization under the U.S. Department of Agriculture's foreign market development programs, furthering opportunities for U.S. agricultural exports. For more information visit

About Real Leather. Stay Different.

Real Leather. Stay Different. is a global campaign that has reached some 750 million people and hundreds of thousands of students. It makes the case for leather (and other natural materials) and for making the best use of society’s waste, particularly the hides that are the by-products of the dairy and meat industries, before looking to the petrochemical industries for manmade materials. Flexible and durable, leather is the natural alternative to fast fashion. For more information visit